英語耳ゲーム 英単語の発音を自然暗記する英語脳作成アプリ

by SmartApp.inc



・ Notice about this applicationThe following modes are installed to further power up.・ Hearing comparison test mode with "distinguishing" in mind・ Automatic audio playback mode with "listening" in mind・ Speaking confirmation mode for English words・ About improving EnglishOne way to improve listening and listening in English is in pronunciation. Even if you remember the English words written in the book, or if you manage to pronounce them like that, you cant speak unless you can hear the other persons English. Also, if you dont hear it correctly, you cant pronounce it correctly. For example, the following are some, but can you see the difference in pronunciation of English words?"See and she" "seat and sheet" "right and light" "row and low""Boat and vote" "raw and row" "desk and disk"There are many people whose grades are sluggish because they do not understand this difference. Especially, it tends to be more common for people who hit the wall around TOEIC 600 points. If you dont know or arent confident, its a good idea to get it early. We hope that you will improve your English as much as possible through this app.·lastlyWe are prioritizing updates for apps that have received a large number of DLs and high ratings. We try to fulfill your requests as much as possible, but please note that we may not be able to fulfill your requests due to priorities.